계획을 세워놓고 구하는 것 만큼 어리석은 것은 없다!
물 흐르듯이 주님의 인도받아야 한다!
서론…. 속단과 다른 분별력!
1)벽을 만나는 경우 – 절대 불가능 불택자 – 현장을 보면 됨
2)틈을 만나는 경우 – 일시가능
3)문을 만나는 경우 – 절대가능 택자 – 너무 쉽다!
시간 자리 사람이 반드시 일어나는 것이 전도
1.하나님의 절대계획
1)영광의 완성 – 충만
열방을 향해 가라, 하나님을 기뻐하라 [존파이퍼]
하나님께 충분한 감격과 감사를 올려 드려라
2)구원의 완성 – 서정(성화=그리스도를 닳아가는 과정)
3)전도의 완성 – 모든 지역 빠짐없이
2.그 때, 그 곳, 그 사람들
1)그 때 – 오순절의 3의미
1/새로운 시작 – 첫열매! -새마음으로 현장을 나가라!
2/새본성 – 성령 내주
2)그 곳 – 예루살렘(다윗이 성전건축 서원,
스룹바벨 성전재건, 에스라의 율법 선포,
그리스도의 대속사역)
-전도자의 걸음이 있는 지역을 가볍게 여기지 않으신다!
3)그 사람들 – 증인들& 경건한 유대인들 (구약, 언어, 이동훈련이 준비 되어있었음)
3.선교의 문이 된 현장
1)준비된 제자들(행2:6) – 복음이 각인된 자!
2)열다섯 나라(행2:9-11) – 와있는 문
3)문을 찾는 방법(행2:12-14) – 대화의 주도를 통한 선포!
결론. 전교인 수련회를 통해 확인할 것
1)우리는 한 교회다! – One Church
2)우리에게 한 말씀을 주신다! One Message
3)한 사명을 받았다! – One Mission
The Lord’s Day Evangelism
Field Which Came to Be the Gate of Mission Work(Ac.2:5-13)
Nothing is more foolish than to pray to God by having things planned out for yourself!
You should follow the Lord’s leading just as water flows!
Intro. Discernment (which is different from hasty judgment)
1) When you meet a “wall”
– Un-chosen man, absolutely impossible
– You should look at the field.
2) When you meet a “crack”
– Temporarily possible
3) When you meet a “door”
– Chosen man, absolutely possible
– So easy!
Evangelism always will bring about “the time”, “the place” and “the people”
1.God’s Absolute Initiative
1) Completion of the Glory – Fullness
Let the Nation Be Glad, Desiring God by John Piper
Lift up your thrill and gratefulness sufficiently to God.
2) Completion of Salvation –
Progress(Sanctification=the process in which one resembles Christ)
3) Completion of Evangelism – All regions thoroughly
2.The Time, the Place, and the People
1) The Time(“Now”) – 3 Significances of Pentecost
① New beginning – First fruit! – Go into the evangelism field with new heart!
② New Human Nature – Indwelling of the Holy Spirit
③ New Prospect
2) The Place – Jerusalem(Where David made a vow of temple construction, Zerubbabel’s temple rebuilding & Ezra’s Proclamation of the law, Christ’s ministry of atonement)
God does not make light of the regions with the traces of evangelists.
3) The People – Witnesses & God-fearing Jews
(Equipped with the Old Testament, language, movement training)
3.Evangelism Field Which Came To Be the Gate for Mission Work
1) Disciples who were prepared(Ac.2:6) – Those with the gospel-imprint!
2) 15 Nations(Ac.2:9-11) – The gate which is already here
3) Way to find the door(Ac.2:12-14) –
Proclamation, as you take lead in conversation!
Con. What we should confirm by the Retreat for All Members’ Congregation
1) We are one church! – One Church
2) God gives us one word! One Message
3) We are given one mission! – One Mission